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[C] - 02

Sprucing Up




You settled in. Honestly, it didn't take that much time. The place was small; if it were any smaller, it might be considered cramped. There was a stove, which was covered in soot, as if it had not been cleaned in ages. All the corners were dusty, and there was a sort of musty smell to the whole thing. Being that it was late summer, you threw open the door to air it out. You turned your attention to the wobbly table--one of the legs had a bite out of it somehow---and frowned. Suddenly, you felt a sudden swelling in your stomach, and you realized the bathroom was an outhouse around the back. Oh well, at least the home was yours!


You slept alright that night. The cot was a bit creaky, and it wasn't exactly comfortable. You woke up to the sound of something munching. Turning your eyes downward, you saw what had been eating the table.


"That's mine, you know," you said to the tiny beast. Instead of being afraid, the critter came up to investigate. Upon recognizing you meant it no harm, the creature curled up next to you, satisfied you were its new owner.


When you awoke, your new friend was still sound asleep. Trying not to disturb it, you remember how you had stowed your things neatly underneath the bed. Reaching under, you pulled out your box of stuff. Your stomach growled as you pulled out a snack, and began munching away as you read the Guide to Ra’ull--a brochure of fun facts and information about the village, including a town map.


It was then that you noticed something on the floor at the edge of your bed. Mystified, you reached over, disturbing your fuzzy buddy, who squeaked in protest. It was a letter addressed to you, inviting you to Hammond’s Hardware store for some new furniture that you could have for free!


Excited at the potential for something other than this run-down experience, you gave your pet the rest of your snack, and trotted down to the store.




Draw yourself either:

  • Going down to Hammond's.
  • Putting your new furnature in your home. (Quaint Sunny Bed + Table.)



Reward Amount
Quaint Sunny Bed 1
Quaint Table 1
Creameree 100
Gold 500
1 result found.